a. Prepare a differential analysis dated September 11, 2014, to determine whether to continue with (Alternative 1) or replace (Alternative 2) the old machine.
b. What is the sunk cost in this situation?

a. Differential Analysis
Continue with Old Machine (Alt. 1) or Replace Old Machine (Alt. 2)
September 11, 2014
with Old
(Alternative 1)
(Alternative 2)
on Income
(Alternative 2)
Proceeds from sale of old
machine $ 0 $ 82,000 $ 82,000
Purchase price 0 –528,000 –528,000
Variable production costs (8 years) –1,336,0001
Income (Loss) –$1,336,000 –$1,318,000 $ 18,000
$167,000 × 8 years
$109,000 × 8 years
The company should replace the old machine.
b. The sunk cost is the $250,000 book value ($600,000 cost less $350,000 accumulated
depreciation) of the present machine. The original cost and accumulated depreciation
were incurred in the past and are irrelevant to the decision to replace the machine.
Hey, I have no idea who you are, but I appreciate what you do here. I feel like most of the Cengage homework is hard to understand because for one the teacher isn't there to actually help the students through it and two because the textbook is hard to read and sort of useless. So it's nice to see when somebody breaks down how to do the problem and shows all the steps of how to do it. Thanks a lot.