American Express Company is a major financial services company, noted for its American Express® card. Below are some of the performance measures used by the company in its balanced scorecard.
Average card member spending | Number of Internet features
Cards in force | Number of merchant signings
Earnings growth | Number of new card launches
Hours of credit consultant training | Return on equity
Investment in information technology | Revenue growth
Number of card choices
For each measure, identify whether the measure best fits the innovation, customer, internal process, or financial dimension of the balanced scorecard.
Although there is some judgment in classifying each of these measures, the following represents the author’s assessment with explanations:
Average card member spending | Customer—demonstrates the usefulness of the card to the customer.
Cards in force | Customer—if customers did not value the
card, they would not have one.
Earnings growth | Financial
Hours of credit consultant training | Internal process—advisors will do their job better if they are trained.
Investment in information technology | Internal process (or innovation)—shows the investment in improving processes.
Number of Internet features | Internal process (or innovation)—shows new process investments in a new channel.
Number of merchant signings | Customer—the larger the number of
merchants that honor the card, the more valuable it is to cardholders.
Number of card choices | Customer—more choices are more valuable
to customers.
Number of new card launches | Innovation—measures the new cards (affinity, regional, etc.) being developed and marketed.
Return on equity | Financial
Revenue growth | Financial
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